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holistic wellness practitioner
Hi! I am Renata!

I am a holistic wellness practitioner, helping clients achieve mind, body, spirit balance through personalized nutrition plans and lifestyle changes. My approach to wellness is rooted in the belief that food is medicine and that a balanced diet is the foundation of a healthy life. My mission is to get to the root cause of your health issues. Click here to learn more about me and my journey to becoming a nutritionist.

I’d love to hear your story and help you navigate your wellness journey

I have been where you are 

I’m here to help you balance those hormones so you can finally uncover all of the beauty, energy and life you want. Because I’ve been there, and I know what you’re going through.

All these symptoms: fibroids,  PMS, mood swings , anxiety, bloated belly, constipation. Feeling stressed and overwhelmed because you don't get help that you need ?

Women’s Health

Are your hormones imbalanced?

Seeking fertility support?

Struggling with perimenopause, menopause?

Need help navigating your pregnancy?


I’d love to help you understand your hormones and find more balance through all stages of your life.

Ready to get started?

I'm so excited to help you on your health discovery journey!  


One-on-one wellness visits will provide you with personalized treatment plans and practices to truly elevate your health.

Your story is unique, and your wellness journey should be too! Meet with me for an initial consultation to discuss your medical history, symptoms, medications, lifestyle, goals and potential challenges, and develop a treatment plan that is as unique as you are. You’ll follow up with return visits on an agreed upon timeline to ensure you’re fully supported along the way. We can adjust the approach as needed to make sure you feel confident in your treatment plan and the care you receive.

Book a free consultation with me 
Tell me your needs and goals and decide if you would rather: work with me one-on-one, 
Start taking action and feeling better!
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